Repeat prescriptions can be ordered in 5 ways

During the Covid pandemic, we amended our policy to accept repeat medication requests over the phone however please note, we have now reverted back to our policy that we do not accept repeat medication requests over the telephone unless in exceptional circumstances. This is due to safety reasons and to ensure the correct medication is being issued so is therefore in your best interests. There are multiple ways you can request your repeat medication:
- Via SystmOne Online or the NHS App
- Via Patient Triage that is accessible through our practice website
- By dropping a paper request into the letterbox in our conservatory
- Some chemists will request your repeat medication on your behalf
- Email making sure to include your name, DOB and the medication you are requesting (this email address is for prescriptions only).
Thank you for your co-operation.
Your prescription request will be processed within 2 working days however the dispensing of the prescription is dependent upon the chemist.
Prescription collection points
Did you know that you can nominate a local pharmacy from where you would like to pick up your prescription?
These chemists are willing to pick up an ordered prescription and have it made up ready for the patient to collect directly from the pharmacy. Please let reception know if you would like your nominated chemist to do this- e.g. by writing this on the bottom of your next 'Repeat'. Unless we hear otherwise from you, we will always send your repeat to that chemist for collection. You will also have to contact the chemist directly to request this service as they are unable to do so without your authorisation.
Requesting non-repeat items
Sometimes you may wish to request a medicine which is no longer or has never been on your 'Repeat'. You may request this item(s), and where it is clinically appropriate, we will issue a prescription for you. However for clinical reasons, this may be refused and you will be asked to come in to discuss this with a Dr.
Holidays and living abroad
In most cases, we issue 2-monthly prescriptions. However if you are likely to run out of medication whilst on holiday, please order more in advance but write the reason for doing so on the Repeat, otherwise the request may be refused. Increasingly some of us are living overseas for part of the year. Please note that it is NHS policy that a maximum of 3 months of medicines can be prescribed in advance
Over the counter medications
Medications that are available over the counter, will not usually be prescribed by the GP unless in exceptional circumstances. Please follow the link below for more information.
OTC Medications